Fall in love with movement
May 2024

Duration of workout: 45'-60'
Day of workout: MON
The session aims at strengthen your lower body with a particular focus on the glutes and hamstrings. The exercises will change monthly in order to give your body different stimuli and to challenge yourself. Together we will work on your strength as well as on your balance and explosiveness. You can work bodyweight but I suggest you to buy some dumbbells and resistance bands in order to make the routine even more effective.

Duration of workout: 45'-60'
Day of workout: TUE
The session aims at strengthen your upper body as a whole. Including shoulders, biceps, triceps, lats, chest and your entire back. A special attention will be given to the core and your deep abdominal muscles. The central nucleus of your body. We will constantly work on engaging it and strengthen it by using different kind of plank variations. For these sessions we will work both using the weight of your body as well as dumbbells and resistance bands.

Duration of workout: 30'-45'
Day of workout: THU
In this sessions we will work on getting those heart rate up and improve your overall fitness level.

Duration of workout: 30'-45'
Day of workout: FRI
These sessions aim to work on your flexibility and mobility. I will guide you with my voice throughout different flows inspired by the Ashtanga yoga practice. Together we will work on your breath, on being present and on healing your thoughts. The aim is to finish the flow regenerated and full of positive energy.

Duration of workout: Variable
Day of workout: SAT
The audioguides are one of my favorite contents. They aim at guiding, motivating and entertaining you during your runs. We will get to know each other and talk about running skills.
You can choose different running sessions such as fartleks, long easy runs, resistance and speed runs based on how you are feeling that day. During the session you will only have to follow my voice, apply my advice and, of course, challenge yourself and have fun.