Stronger. you gym

12 weeks gym program

Description of the program

Il programma STRONGER YOU è un protocollo di 12 settimane focalizzatto sulla forza e il conditioning. E' stato creato da me per tutti coloro che hanno l'obbiettivo di migliorare il proprio livello di forza ed esplosività generale sia attraverso l'allenamento con sovraccarichi che attraverso la corsa. La split routine settimanale è composta da 3 allenamenti gym based (lower, upper, full body) + un allenamento di corsa ad alta intensità in cui lavoreremo per migliorare la tua performance attraverso allenamenti di interval training, salite e velocità. Avrai inoltre accesso ad un quinto allenamento di recupero attivo focus mobilità e yoga. L'intero programma è basato sul principio del sovraccarico progressivo ed è stato testato da me, la tua trainer. Io sono carichissima nell'aiutarti a diventare la versione più forte di te stessa! INIZIA ORA!

The STRONGER YOU program is a 12 weeks gym based strength and conditioning program designed to support everyone who has the goal of becoming stronger, fitter and more confident. The split routine is composed by 3 strength workouts x week ( lower, upper, full body) and 1 high intensity run in which we will work mainly on your anaerobic capacity through the use of intervals, sprint sessions and hill runs. You will also have access to a fifth routine which is focused on yoga and mobility. The entire program is supported by science with the principle of progressive overload and everything has been tested by me, your trainer. I am thrilled to support you in becoming the STRONGEST version of yourself and to help you through out your fitness journey! LET'S START NOW!


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility
Yoga Flow & mobility